Kaitlin and Dan are available to take horses of all levels from just backing to the upper levels of the sport. With Dan and Kaitlin having both ridden to the top level and produced horses successfully up the levels, the program at Clasing Equestrian is uniquely designed to get the best out of a wide variety of horses. Clasing Equestrian utilizes the best grooms, vets, farriers and support staff to create a culture of excellence that will produce your horse to the best of its abilities. This is truly a full service program where every aspect of horse care and training is considered vital to your horses success.
Contact us today about getting started in our Training Program: ClasingEquestrian@gmail.com

Breaking services are also offered through Clasing Equestrian. Dan and Kaitlin bring a cumulative experience breaking over 200 horses, with Dan running a breaking barn at Yardley Hill Farm in Maryland before teaming up with Kaitlin. They pride themselves on their ability to put every young horse on the path to success through patience and good horsemanship. If you have a horse age 2 to 4 you’d like to see started in a program with experience and proven success get in touch.

If you can arrange a group of 10 or more riders looking to improve their riding in a fun and educational experience, get in touch! Dan and Kaitlin are available individually or to clinic together as their schedule allows. Their diverse backgrounds make a clinic with Kaitlin and Dan a unique opportunity to mix and match riders and horses of varying levels to create a positive learning experience.
Contact us today about a organizing a clinic: ClasingEquestrian@gmail.com
Lessons and Coaching

Whether you’re looking to keep your horse in our program or ship in for lessons, Kaitlin and Dan are ready to help you reach your equestrian goals. With a focus on developing not just your riding but also your understanding of the training process, Dan and Kaitlin offer a lesson program focused on creating a complete horseman.
Working Student Program

Clasing Equestrian offers a working student program for ambitious horsemen that aspire to the top levels of the sport. Ideal candidates should have their own horse and car and be able to commit to a year in the program.